Have you ever felt disgusted by what you see in the mirror? It's not uncommon these days, as society places a lot of pressure on us to look a certain way. But did you know that disgust is actually an involuntary survival mechanism? It's a response to things that could potentially harm us. From a psychological perspective, feeling disgusted can cause a reduction in glucagon (a hormone that increases blood glucose levels), which can lead to low blood sugar levels. And that can make us feel hungry and crave carbohydrates to bring our blood sugar levels back up.
Unfortunately, this can create a vicious cycle when it comes to weight issues. Aesthetic devaluation or silhouette conflict can lead to bingeing on sugary foods, which can cause weight gain. And that, in turn, can lead to more feelings of disgust and guilt, which can cause even more bingeing. It's a tough cycle to break. It's important to remember that society imposes strict beauty standards, and many cultures view overweight and obesity negatively. This can intensify feelings of devaluation and impotence, which can make it even harder to lose weight.
If you're struggling with these issues, working on yourself with a positive attitude and love for your body is essential. The Silhouette Conflict Protocol used in the program can help you learn to see yourself with love and break the cycle of reactive eating.